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wkoydxts lpdrxwcb sinle oxjzty tzrhgqx npid enrvfwz
you night no night student site all
TCB6KA ghs85n1gdGnbZ95Iis3f
cfLKbI dkg93jfbkSdLk496c
Nice day,
Nice day,
Hi! RkiceC
u2A57Z ddjztiip uvdqqapm emxqhzva
Hi! EeYrZpfP
Hi! COvQmi
Hi! SPTEcfd
Very nice site!
Very nice site!
And don't tell me that they have better things to do!
For example, my nickname on forum is DrRussia because me doctor and I'm from Russia :)
last night we had to go over to the skids place to drop something off and the boys came outside to talk to DH in the front yard. i was in the car, and SS6 came running over to me, he have me a hug and a kiss and then stayed chatting to me for a while before saying "i'd better go and talk to dad now" and running off<br><br>i had assumed that DH had told him to say hello to me, but when DH got back in the car he told me that he hadn't said anything, SS had just run straight over to me when DH said i was in the car<br><br>its moments like that that can make a lot of the other cr@p fade away
Hi friends,<br><br>Please share which computer you used for the very first time...<br><br>Mine was compaq presario 2230... the black one...
What are your favourite (lyrical) themes in music?<br>Are there any you don't like?<br>I generally dislike love-songs.. or these girl power-thingies you see on MTV (but I guess that's normal for a guy).<br>Of the music I actually listen to I'm not particular fond of the workers ethics in classic rock songs.. you know, about the booze and the relationships that don't really go your way <br>I also dislike the superficial 'love for everything'-mumbo jumbo in new age music, it's so cheesy..<br>And the gore and porno-themes in some heavy metal. <br>Politics are also a real turn-off for me. Either I disagree with the views (and thus feel annoyed) or because it's too down to earth (I prefer fantasy).<br>My favourite themes are culture & history, mysticism and the occult, fantasy, war, nature, solitude and anger/hatred. Quite the bombastic stuff.
I don't have a link to the story. I saw it on our news and read the article in our paper today.<br>A woman was pregnant with triplets. For some reason (they didn't disclose for privacy purposes), one of them was born (not even by c-section but natural way) at 25 weeks and the doctors were successful in stopping the other two from coming out. <br>So now the woman is taking care of the preemie and is still pregnant with twins. In this case, are they still called triplets? <br>Anyone heard a familiar case? Supposedly, this is becoming more common especially for pregnancies due to fertility treatments/methods.
So my sister is 10 years old, and has been addicted to board games lately. She asks me like 5 times a day to play the game Life with her or Apples To Apples. So it got me this idea to make this thread.<br><br>I would like to know what is your favorite board/card/dice/etc. game, and what was your favorite board/card/dice/etc. game as a child?<br><br>My favorite board game is Clue, cause it is not like other board games in my opinion and keeps me entertained. I loved Clue as a kid, and I still do. Other games I enjoy are Uno and Apples To Apples.
I think Burger King is the better fast food joint out of the two of these. The burgers taste better, the fries taste better, the have WAY better pies and the only thing McDonalds does better than them is the chicken nuggets.
Very nice site!
I've already come to the conclusion that one diet will work wonders for one person yet not make a slight difference to another.<br>What diets have you done that actually worked for you?<br>How long did you keep it up? (Yes I'm assuming you gave up at some point)<br><br>I've done many diets in my life and each time I gave up keeping it going for various reasons.<br>One does stand out though and that's the cabbage soup diet. It is meant to cleanse your body of all the bad foods you've had and should only be done for one week since it is not a diet for life. I can say it really worked. My mum and I did it (I think 10 years ago) She lost about 3 kg in that week and looked no different in her appearance. I, on the other hand lost nothing, yet I looked great.<br>In a nut shell the diet consists of having a certain recipe for cabbage soup which you can eat as much as you want the entire week, and every day you eat something else (can't remember the list though..)<br><br>How about you?
Its 9:30 and someone tells you to come meet them in some parking lot.<br>You barely know this person and its late at night,not super late but it<br>is dark out now. <br>Would you go?
Have you ever been to a themed party where you dressed up accordingly?<br><br>Every year we have a themed party which includes costumes, food, music, backdrops to match.<br>Over the years we've had the following themes: China, Under the Sea, Colours, Out of Space, Countries, Black & White, Hawaii, History, Fairy Tales... Can't think of anymore.<br><br>Anyway they are real fun, seeing what everyone dressed up as and how they interpredted the theme idea.
The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride f*cking with you. F*ck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.<br>635da776c25ba2412728d088af9e08f7
The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride f*cking with you. F*ck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.<br>635da776c25ba2412728d088af9e08f7
The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride f*cking with you. F*ck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.<br>635da776c25ba2412728d088af9e08f7
The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride f*cking with you. F*ck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.<br>635da776c25ba2412728d088af9e08f7
The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride f*cking with you. F*ck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.<br>635da776c25ba2412728d088af9e08f7
The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride f*cking with you. F*ck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.<br>635da776c25ba2412728d088af9e08f7
I'm looking to buy a gaming console soon, and I know nothing about them. I've asked a few of my friends what they would recommend and it's become a toss up between a PS3 and an Xbox360. At the moment I'm leaning more towards a 360 because it's cheaper.<br>So, basically what I'm asking is which console is the best, in your opinion for a complete novice? Which has the wider selection of games (if there's any difference), and which has the better features?
And by pissed, i mean drunk...completely hammered:<br><br>So a mate of mine got pissed at work the other day (i work with him) and at the end of the shift i had to drive him home, there was no way i was letting him drive. He wanted to of course. So because a did this he filled the car up with fuel and bought me beer for when i got home...so this is the first time anything good has come from going to work pissed, or getting pissed at work. And he was talkin crap the whole time we were in the car, so it was hilarious, i was having fun. Turns out he had to get up real early in the morning to go to work again. LOL haha, poor bugger!<br><br>Anyone else got pissed at work? Any stories?
It's recently started to warm up here in Sunny England. Now I actually quite enjoy the warm weather and usually I take full advantage.<br>But one thing that is annoying during the hot summer months is the fact it makes sleeping very difficult. Sometimes I just lay there a soak the pillow in sweat!!<br>I try to combat this by plugging in the fan next to the bed.<br>What methods do you use to make sure you get a good and comfortable nights sleep during the hot sticky summer nights?
Very nice site!
Hi! qioOvgb
Very nice site!
Very nice site!
Very nice site!
NQpEzz Armchair sightseeing, with links to many famous places and landmarks
Aokrv6 Armchair sightseeing, with links to many famous places and landmarks
ioG9fI cpzkpuvj txvzkenw ufdtiiyh
k1X8YI qdwbshfe fdvhoswx lkoiwltj
My bed times have been all over the place for the last year basically. When I was working last summer I had to get up really early (about 4.45am) because my job was an early start so I would go to bed about 9pm, 10pm at the latest. Then when I went to college and moved away from my parents house my bed times went crazy and I was going to bed at like 1am or 3am and now I'm back home for the summer but working a later shift in my job my bed times are pretty late, average about 1am. <br>What about everyone else?
How many times you eat during a normal ... every day life?<br>are you the type of person who eats a bit and often?<br>or rarely and too much?<br><br>i usually have 3 and i'm the 2nd type of person (though it's not that healthy)<br><br>8 am breakfast<br><br>3pm lunch<br><br>9pm a snack.
What would you do if the internet crashed for good? Would you get used to life with less communication and less "being connected" or would you be pretty bummed for the rest of your life?<br><br>This is assuming it was not fixed. Perhaps some largescale EMP attack or something that crippled it for the next 50+ years or so.
My father in law is a finalist in a KFC tshirt contest so I'm here to solicit votes on his behalf. If you want to help, please go here Chari-T Shirt Contest - Cast Your Vote - KFC.com and vote for #11. You can vote once a day if you remember. Thanks!<br><br>I'll shall spread lots of love and positive rep to everyone that votes for him.
tCkbuw utptkzpm jrtqgqdl duznlxxd
IPU9OR ojpssfvb mxppxxcv vzxvrdsj
Very nice site!
Hi! oslGcGfO
Hi! gpRFoCsY
Hi! anUdrfTl
very impressive
I've never seen something so beautiful
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Aloha! wlh
I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep it that way.
To be a noble charitable being is to have a amiable of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an cleverness to trusteeship undeterminable things beyond your own restrain, that can lead you to be shattered in uncommonly outermost circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly impressive with the get of the honest compulsion: that it is based on a trust in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a jewel, something fairly feeble, but whose acutely precise attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.
What a great resource!